recma develops different services and research for:
Media agencies in 70 countries
who are using our rankings of their Activity in media buying, planning, digital and diversified channels, as well as their local Qualitative evaluations.
International advertisers
who are using our research to track and watch their competitors' media strategy and partnerships and optimize their media portfolio.
New-biz team
in media agencies and Groups to manage their pitches
Global HQ
To monitor the competition and get credentials
Media auditors
and consultants for media pitches
Media vendors
and internet advertising giants, Google, Facebook, Snapchat etc
Recma provides to these companies
The Quali-scores of 700 media agencies worldwide, twice a year.
Local agency rankings in Activity volume, in strength in Digital Experts and grades in wins -departures balance.
Online database disclosing the partnerships between agency and advertiser along with their adspends over 4 years in +55 countries.